I'm Sheenagh Pugh, a poet and novelist originally from Wales, now living in Shetland. My site has a biography, details of events, news of published and forthcoming books and FAQs, also some poems, including two from my l collection, Short Days, Long Shadows and some from my new collection, Afternoons Go Nowhere, which came out in May 2019 . Plus links to interesting places.
Any poetry or prose on this site is copyright © Sheenagh Pugh. If you want to quote, or ask a question, email me here. But so that I don't think it's spam or a virus, use a sensible header, not "hi"! My publisher's email for enquiries about books is below.
I also blog on book-related matters at http://sheenaghpugh.livejournal.com and have put quite a lot of book reviews up there. Use the tags on the left of the page to find all posts on particular topics or writers.
My old site at http://sheenagh.webs.com/ is still active and I am leaving the pages on novels and fan fiction up there for now. But everything poetry-related is here.