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Here's a link to a new poem up at the magazine Creative Flight
My latest collection is called Afternoons Go Nowhere. Here's a link to an interview I have done with Christal Rice Cooper about one of the poems from it. The cover pic is on the right. Some reviews - on Matthew Stewart's blog Rogue Strands here, the Welsh Books Council's site here, Judy Darley's blog SkyLightRain here, Stride Magazine here and Wales Arts Review here.
My poem "What If This Road" was in the Daily Telegraph's Poetry Pharmacy on 10 February 2018 (quoted from William Sieghart's Poetry Pharmacy anthology, pub. Particular Books)
There's a poem up at Louisa Campbell's blog here
I have a new interview up at Writing Forums here.
I have poems and an interview up at Poetry Spotlight here.
I have some poems up at the online magazine InterlitQ here
I have poems up at the websiteNew Boots and Pantisocracies here and here.
I have a poem up at the website Scotia Extremis here.
"Days of 2009" is the Weekly Poem on the Oxford Brookes website.
I have a poem in a new anthology of poems inspired by popular culture, Double Bill, ed. Andy Jackson, pub. Red Squirrel Press. It has poems by a great many different poets, on subjects from Frank Sinatra to Bagpuss - mine, which is called "Oral English", is on Julian & Sandy from Round the Horne and was inspired by an anecdote of Barry Took's about a puzzled letter he once received from a Japanese gentleman who was trying to improve his colloquial English with the aid of The Bona Book of Julian and Sandy. You can buy Double Bill here. And my poem is on YouTube here.
A poem from my new collection, Short Days, Long Shadows, was the Guardian Saturday Poem on 12 July. You can read it here.
I have a poem in an anthology in aid of rhino conservation: For Rhino in a Shrinking World, edited by Harry Owen. You can buy it on this site.
My recording with the Poetry Archive is now live. You can listen to some poems from it and also buy the CD here.
I've been making some YouTube vids, or rather Amy Wack of Seren has been making them while I read the poems. Here's "The Beautiful Lie". There are others on the Links page. A performer called Jane Learmonth has also put up a vid of her very good reading of my poem "It's Only Love".
One of my poems has been chosen to be part of the Shetland project Bards in the Bog, which puts poems up in Shetland public toilets. All the poems chosen are also on their website here.

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